Degas and the Little Dancer
From amongst the books I’ve chosen to share with the children for the Art Theme that we are doing this term, this one is probably my...
Degas and the Little Dancer
Come on, ride the Peace Train!!
Cumulative tales...a Chain of Fun!!!
Niko Draws a Feeling
Nani's Walk to the Park
The Magic of a True Story...and trash!
Journeying with Jamlo
The Noisy Paintbox speaks.
Julian joy in Jessica Love's stunning books.
An art-ISH theme
Letter writing and stories.
Being me and rethinking Be You.
Thukpa for all
Music is all around us
A Tribute to the Fathers on my Bookshelf this Father's Day
Books about Refugees and why our Children need to read them.
A Cup of Noon Chai and a Library of Stories.
Daisy Dolls
Picture Books...a Conduit to Conversations about Death, Loss and Grief.
The Lorax and the Patas Monkey